Stress is something that we all deal with from time to time.  During a busy week, we can often let stress get the best of us, resulting in missed deadlines, failed expectations, and feelings of discouragement.  While stress is sometimes inevitable, there are ways to de-stress and ease your mind during a hectic week.

Whether it’s going on a health retreat or simply taking a few moments each day to meditate, there are many ways you can decompress during your daily routine.  Here a few tips for de-stressing during a busy week.

Get Enought Sleep
Though you probably hear this all the time, it’s actually true.  It is extremely important for adults to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night, as anything less can make you feel sluggish and unable to think clearly.  Being well-rested is the key to performing throughout a busy workday, and not getting enough sleep can cause feelings of stress and irritability. 
To avoid this, make sure you’re getting the recommended amount of sleep each night.  If you’re someone who often has trouble falling asleep, try turning off all electronics and distractions an hour before you go to bed, as these things can often keep us awake at night and make it difficult for our brains to shut off. 

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t guilty of neglecting my exercise during the busy work week.  It can often be hard to carve out time to work out, especially after a long, exhausting day.  
However, making time to exercise is crucial for your overall wellbeing, and can be extremely effective in decreasing stress.  Running, jogging, or even going on a long walk can aid in decreasing stress, as exercise produces endorphins that have been proven to be a natural mood booster. 
I always feel better after going on a long run, so the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed with stress, take some time to exercise.

Make for Socialization
Powering through a busy work week can often feel isolating, and it’s easy to feel like you’re losing touch with the outside world.  Because of this, spending time with friends and family is extremely important. 

Even socializing with your coworkers outside of the office can help ease feelings of stress, and you will be able to bond over shared work experiences.  If you aren’t able to interact with your coworkers outside of the office, consider holding weekly meetings to discuss any work-related issues.  This will not only encourage productivity and open communication, but breaking up the work day by interacting with your colleagues can aid in decreasing stress. 
Practice Self-Care
In addition to getting enough sleep, exercising, and socialization, practicing self-care is extremely important in de-stressing during a busy week. 

Taking a relaxing bath, listening to your favorite music, or simply sitting outside and enjoying some fresh air are all things you can do to practice self-care and unwind after a long day. 

Other things you can do to make yourself feel better including reading a good book, spending time with pets, cook a meal for yourself, or watch your favorite movie or tv show.  You work hard, so you deserve to treat yourself at the end of the day.  

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